About Us
PCI was formed in 1981 by Brendan Carroll Senior and Sean Maguire. The company was formed to supply photocopiers and printers, as well as offering a dependable, friendly on-site technical service.
As of today, Brendan Snr is retired and, sadly, Sean Maguire - our great friend and colleague - passed away a number of years ago.
The company is now managed by Brendan and Edwin Carroll - two brothers who have worked in PCI for a combined 45 years between them and who continue to run PCI on the same company values that it was founded upon - where customers and our team always come first.
Like any technology-based company, PCI keeps abreast of the ever-changing needs of our customers, but our ethos of providing an excellent, friendly and reliable service to customers has and will always remain the same.
As of 2021, we have now launched our new Office Supplies webstore - Supplycentre.ie. Supplycentre will offer our customers a far wider range of prducts and services, all while keeping the same core values as first introduced by Brendan and Sean.